What to Wear to an Interview
This intimidation is understandable. Choosing the right outfit is about more than looking appropriate. It’s about dressing to feel confident and comfortable. That’s a lot to ask out of a single outfit. Here are a few tips on what to wear for an interview.
Start with Research
The best way to prepare for a job interview is by researching. Take the time to research the company you’re applying to. This will help you better answer any questions they ask. It will also tell you more about the company’s dress code.
One rule of thumb is to dress one step up from the standard workplace requirements. For example, if the company requires a formal business dress code, ensure you meet that standard — at a minimum. It would be better to aim to exceed it, if possible. Alternatively, if their dress code is informal or casual, you should still dress more formally for the interview.
Dress for the Season
Take the current weather into account when planning your interview outfit. For example, you’ll want to wear warmer clothes in the winter while finding a cooler alternative for the summer months. This will enable you to be dressed appropriately while still comfortably.
This tip is essential because dressing warm on a warm day will result in overheating and sweating. You won’t do your best during an interview this way. The reverse is also true. Nobody wants to shiver their way through an interview.
Clean and Defect-Free
This should probably go without saying, but ensure your outfit is clean, neatly pressed, and defect-free. Defects can include something as simple as an excess of cat hair. Likewise, make sure that the outfit fits you properly. You don’t want to show up wearing a business suit that is too baggy or too tight. Properly fitting clothes can make all the difference in a professional wardrobe.
Go With What Makes You Confident
Above all else, you should wear an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident. When you feel confident, it shows. That can go a long way in making an outfit look appropriate. Likewise, it will help you do well during the interview, as you’ll feel less out of place. Anything you can do to boost your confidence is worth it.